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Average Annualized Returns After New Market Highs

Average Annualized Returns After Market.png

Relative Strength: US Stocks vs European Stocks Since 1970

Relative Strength_US Stocks vs European.png

US and Euro Area Earnings Since 1980

US and EURO Area Earnings Since 1980.png

Average Annualized Returns After Market Decline of More than 10%

Average Annualized Returns After.png

Developed International Stocks and US Stocks: Declines from All-Time Highs Since 1970

Developed International Stocks and US Stocks.png

Emerging-Markets Stocks’ Range of Returns Narrows as Time Horizon Extends

Emerging Markets Stocks.png

Developed International Stocks’ Range of Returns Narrows as Time Horizon Extends

Developed International Stocks.png

Rolling Five-Year Return Differential: US Stocks-International Stocks Since 1975

Rolling Five-Year Return Differential.png

European and Emerging Markets Stocks are Trading at a Significant Discount to US Stocks Since 2005

European and Emerging-Markets.png

Shiller CAPE Ratio Since 1900

Shiller CAPE Ratio.png

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